Consid Youth Education

Our initiative to give young people the opportunity to learn more about technology, programming and the digital world's opportunities.

Developers teach children programming in Scratch

Building children's interest in tech and programming.

We want to inspire young people to become more interested in technology. We do that through our initiative Consid Youth Education. Learn more here.

As leaders we want to inspire children and young people to find an interest in tech. Through Consid Youth Education we pave the way, placing Sweden at the forefront of IT, enabling the birth of tomorrow’s tech stars.

As part of Consid Youth Education, we also created the theme day Bring Your Child to Work Day. The aim is to increase children’s understanding of what their parents do at work, but also to create a healthy work life balance. The theme day takes place on Wednesday of Autumn break every year and has gathered hundreds of children and young people around the country. Read more about the initiative here and contact us if you know of children who want to participate.

Consid <3 Läxhjälpen

We also support the non-profit foundation Läxhjälpen, which supports young people with their homework to make it easier for them to reach upper secondary education.


Utvecklare från Consid lär barn i Västerås att programmera