Annie Lööf: From underrated to pioneering leader
Leading in a changing world requires courage, determination and a strong belief in your values. Annie Lööf, who has faced both gender- and age-based obstacles throughout her career, knows this - but has shown time and again that resistance can be turned into drive.

In an industry where young women are often questioned, Annie Lööf was determined to pave her own way. As leader of the Swedish Centerpartiet, she made it clear early on that she would not allow herself to be belittled.
– I was often the only woman among seven men in suits. But when I took on the role of party leader, I decided to give it my all and never let anyone put themselves above me, she says in “Digitala influencer-podden”.
Self-leadership and courage – keys to success
For Lööf, self-leadership has been crucial – a skill she believes everyone, regardless of industry, needs to develop.
– Build strong self-leadership, be confident in what you think and dare to say yes. Sometimes it can be useful to ask yourself: “What would a man do in the same situation?”
She also emphasizes the importance of leading through change. Neither as a politician nor as a CEO can you be fully prepared for what lies ahead, but standing firm in your values is crucial.
– As a leader, you navigate in a changing social context. Confidence in change and a clear direction are crucial, she explains.
Sustainability – more than just climate
Lööf also highlights sustainability as a central part of future leadership – and points out that the concept is broader than the climate issue.
– Sustainability is as much about inclusion and democracy as it is about the environment. Building organizations where all competencies are utilized is a key to success.
Today, Lööf is facing a new chapter in her career. What the future holds remains to be seen – but one thing is certain: her commitment to leadership, courage and change is far from over.
– My goal is not to close any doors. I’ve always had a clear plan, but now I’m more open to what lies ahead in the coming years. And most importantly – to have fun in the meantime.
Listen to the full episode on “Digitala influencer-podden”. The episodes are released on Thursdays, and can be found wherever podcasts are available.