
Consid debating free speech

Consid responds to an editorial article in Södermanlands Nyheter. The writer of the article believes that it is harmful to democracy for the municipality to participate in a panel discussion about reaching young people, which includes TikTok among other things. This is something that Consid's CEO, Peter Hellgren, and the office manager in Nyköping, Gustav Söderström, disagree with.

Peter Hellgren and Gustav Söderström
Peter Hellgren and Gustav Söderström

“It is with the greatest astonishment that we read the editorial in Södermanlands Nyheter on September 25th, in which the writer believes it is harmful to democracy for the municipality to participate in a panel discussion aimed at reaching young people, including through platforms like TikTok. We cannot, with all the willingness in the world, understand the writer’s indignation.

Keeping public discourse alive is one of the reasons why we started the concept ‘Morning Talk by Consid,’ an arena for conversation and knowledge sharing. The format, based on imparting knowledge about a current topic and then allowing a panel with different perspectives and backgrounds to provide their insights and share their challenges, has proven to be eagerly awaited by many.

The hope is that everyone comes away from it with new knowledge and insights. Therefore, we have deliberately chosen to gather a variety of perspectives in our panel discussions and are deeply grateful that so many have chosen to participate in the breakfast seminars we have held so far.

It is remarkable that SN, in its editorial, believes that certain social actors should be prevented from participating in an open discussion on a pressing issue. On the contrary, we see that in an increasingly polarized society, it is more important than ever to do the opposite and encourage engaging in a dialogue that more people can be part of. Listening to others and also sharing one’s own positions and the reasons behind them creates the conditions for new knowledge about an ever-changing world.

SN’s editorial writer is warmly welcome to participate in ‘Morning Talk by Consid’ on how we can best reach the next generation. We are convinced that it will be a tremendously exciting conversation.”

Editorial writer Elin Venholen responds in the article.

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