
Consid Targets Cyber Security During October

The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) is launching its major Security Month in October, a campaign that IT company Consid is joining. Throughout this focus month, the company will roll out a series of initiatives and news on the security front.

Johan Kederstedt, Site Manager Linköping.
Anna Edstedt, Head of Communications and Partner Manager at Consid.

– With this initiative, we want to demonstrate that security is not primarily a business for us. It is about protecting ourselves, our customers, employees, and their families. As a company, we work with several large, sensitive public actors, making us and our employees legitimate targets for attacks. Ultimately, it’s about taking responsibility to at least make it more difficult for new large IT attacks, like the one we witnessed last winter, says Peter Hellgren, CEO of Consid.

Cybersecurity has become a critical issue for the general public following a significant ransomware attack in January 2024. The Russian hacker group Akira claimed responsibility for the attack, which affected over 120 authorities and several of Sweden’s largest retail chains, including ICA, Granngården, Stadium, and Rusta. The ransomware attack cost millions, with Rusta alone reporting lost revenue of nearly 70 million SEK.

As MSB kicks off its Security Month in October, IT company Consid will partner with the agency for a Cybersecurity Month.

– Cyber and information security are crucial in today’s digital society, where threats to both individuals and companies are continuously increasing. During MSB’s Security Month in October, we will have the opportunity to raise awareness and educate ourselves about the existing risks. By spreading knowledge on how we can protect our digital assets, we strengthen not only our organizations but also society’s resilience. Our target audience includes not just companies and organizations but also private individuals. A small effort now can prevent significant problems in the future, says Johan Kederstedt, Site Manager in Linköping.

Throughout the month, the company’s various security experts will highlight their areas in different ways to inform and educate about everything from phishing and compliance to security protection and analysis.

– Today’s technological IT solutions are often very robust and capable of withstanding many types of threats. However, attackers and cybercriminals are increasingly targeting the human factor – we as individuals become the weak link. Here, education plays a crucial role. For society as a whole to withstand these threats, increased awareness and competence are required from everyone, not just IT departments, says Johan Kederstedt and continues:

– Investing in education about information security does not have to be costly or complicated. Something as simple as creating a continuous dialogue about common threats, such as phishing, password management, suspicious SMS messages, and insecure links, can make a significant difference. It’s about providing people with the right tools and insights to identify and avoid threats before they can cause harm. An aware and educated workforce is often the best defense against today’s sophisticated attacks. By emphasizing the importance of information security in the daily work environment and making education a natural part of the company culture, we create a safer digital world for everyone.

In addition, there will be significant investments in webinars, self-assessment forms, and internal training. All of the company’s approximately 2,000 employees and their families will receive training in cybersecurity at both a technical and strategic level.

– Cybersecurity is a very important topic, as we have seen, especially in the news over the past year. We see Security Month as an excellent opportunity to highlight all the security-oriented competencies we have within the company and to shine a spotlight on various aspects of security, says Anna Edstedt, Partner Manager at Consid.

Municipalities play a crucial role in strengthening Swedish cyber defense

Sweden must take the cybersecurity threat seriously, as stated by Yegor Aushev, CEO of Ukrainian CyberUnit Technologies, and Peter Hellgren, CEO of Consid, in an article on the debate pages of Göteborgsposten. Cyber defense needs to be an integral part of both civil and overall defense.
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