
Consid Wins Contract with SKI – Opens Up for More Large Public Contracts

It-företaget Consid vinner ett viktigt ramavtal i Danmark med Staten og Kommunernes Indkøbsservice A/S, SKI. Avtalet innebär att Consid blir en av leverantörerna som finns med i SKI:s Dynamiska inköpssystem, DIS.

Michael Lund Andersen
Michael Lund Andersen

SKI was founded in 1994 as a publicly owned company with the task of simplifying transactions between private companies and public entities through procurements. The framework agreement between Consid and SKI, SKI 02.14, acts as a channel for the public sector to bring in IT consultants via SKI’s DIS. The agreement uses a dynamic purchasing system (DIS), which allows several suppliers to the public sector to quickly and easily bid on tasks placed in the system. This ensures flexibility, faster responses from suppliers, and a more liberal procurement model.

– For us, it is fantastic news and an important step in the development of our business in Denmark. The procurement system makes it easier for us as a supplier to bid on procurements and assignments from the public sector. It provides speed in the process and facilitates for the customer to get the IT competence they need without lengthy procurement processes, says Michael Lund Andersen, CEO of Consid AS.

Consid opened its business in Denmark in the autumn of 2022. After a successful first half-year, a more restrained market has slowed down the pace of expansion. Despite this, the turnover for Consid AS has steadily increased since its establishment almost two years ago.

– Like everyone else, it has been a few tough years. Starting a business in what is more or less a recession is of course a challenge. Despite this, we have won several important contracts, which have enabled us to keep the business running, and we can now look forward with a positive view of the future, says Michael Lund Andersen.

The agreement covers a total of 14 areas from project and program management to security, operations, and strategies.

– We want to be a digital comprehensive partner competing for the most sought-after assignments, which we can be through this, says Lund Andersen.

There are also great benefits for the public sector, says Consid’s Danish CEO.

– As it speeds up the tendering process, it saves time, focus, and money for the institutions, which can instead be spent on core tasks.

Consid in Copenhagen Denmark. Nyhamn with boat harbor and colorful buildings


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