Consid’s New Contract Draws Media Attention
Consid has stepped into the spotlight following yesterday's announcement of a new contract worth half a billion. Jönköpingsposten and Dagens Infrastruktur shared the exciting news.

“Consid, along with three other companies, has secured the contract with four Swedish authorities,” writes Jönköpingsposten.
The four authorities covered by the contract are the Medical Products Agency, the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), the National Veterinary Institute (SVA), and the National Food Agency.
“Being entrusted to deliver IT consulting services to four significant authorities is a great honor for us,” says Peter Hellgren, CEO of Consid. “The mission, worth SEK 610 million, demonstrates the trust that the authorities have in our ability to provide value through secure and reliable IT infrastructure.”
The recently signed contract, valued at SEK 610 million, means that Consid, along with three other companies, will provide IT consulting services in four areas: IT needs of the organizations, IT project management, IT security, and architecture and development.
“Peter Hellgren, CEO of Consid, says it’s a great honor to be part of this major deal,” writes Jönköpingsposten.
Since the turn of the year, Consid has signed several new contracts with major clients such as the Swedish National Bank, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), and the National Board of Health and Welfare.
“In addition, there are agreements and collaborations with several municipalities, authorities, and educational institutions in both Sweden and abroad. This has greatly contributed to the company consistently presenting growth figures of 30 percent year after year. Despite the economic situation, Consid closed its books for 2023 with yet another record turnover of over SEK 2.6 billion,” writes Dagens Infrastruktur.
Read the full article from Jönköpingsposten here!
Read the full article from Dagens Infrastruktur here!