Consid’s new flagship office in Ljungby inaugurated
It was last Thursday when Consid in Ljungby finally inaugurated the tastefully decorated office in the newly built Dressinen property in central Ljungby. With that, the project for a new office for Consid's S5 division reached its goal.

– We wanted premises that are tailored to our way of working and that support the demands of a knowledge-based company that constantly needs to stay at the forefront, said Christian Lüddeckens, office manager in Ljungby and CEO of Consid’s S5 division, to Smålänningen earlier.
The office in Dressinen is largely Christian Lüddeckens’ creation. As a child, he dreamed of becoming an architect; while that plan may not have fully materialized, he has certainly utilized his sense of design and functionality. S5’s desire to find a new home in Ljungby was crucial when the Dressinen property was built, a fact confirmed by Joakim Karlsson, CEO of Ljungbybostäder, who owns the building.
Last Thursday, the 1050 square meter office was inaugurated. Over 100 invited guests from the local business community were present, along with prominent Consid employees such as the company’s CEO Peter Hellgren.
The conclusion regarding the new office is straightforward: a significant boost for both the company and Ljungby’s business environment.
– It will be a state-of-the-art office for the IT company, which has so far been relatively anonymous in Ljungby, said Christian Lüddeckens to Smålänningen.
Consid places great prestige in its offices, several of which have been nominated for Sweden’s finest office awards. The new headquarters in Ljungby joins the line of spectacular Consid offices.
– In Ljungby, we get everything we typically seek when looking for a new office: large social areas, natural gathering places for our colleagues, and a welcoming atmosphere. These are truly dream premises, said Consid’s CEO and founder, Peter Hellgren.
Read more about Consid’s Ljungby office here.

Consid's relocation to new premises in Ljungby is making headlines in the local press.