
Consid’s Umeå Office Recognized for Its Gender Equality Efforts

On International Women’s Day last Saturday, Västerbottens-Kuriren (VK) published an in-depth feature on Consid’s Umeå office, highlighting its work towards greater gender equality in the IT industry. The article focuses on the challenge of attracting more women to the sector—a cause championed by employees Olivia Harlin and Rebecka Junghagen.

Porträttfoto på en kvinna med långt blont hår och svart tröja
Olivia Harlin, Consid.
Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

— I thought, now is the time to make a change. If we want an inclusive society, women must be part of shaping it, says Olivia Harlin in the article.

Umeå has been repeatedly recognized as a feminist city, both nationally and internationally, praised for its commitment to gender equality. This is clearly reflected at Consid’s Umeå office, where VK met Olivia Harlin and Rebecka Junghagen.

In the article, they share their journeys into the IT sector. For Olivia, it started with an early interest in technology—though it wasn’t clearly defined in her younger years.

— In high school, I studied technology and was the only girl in a class of 30. I wondered—where did all the girls go who once thought this was fun? Olivia Harlin recalls.

Awareness Among Clients

While Olivia works on the development side, Rebecka brings a different perspective as a Key Account Manager. In her role, she meets both potential and existing Consid clients, where the need for gender equality is evident.

— Many of them ask about female consultants. There is awareness. Everyone I’ve met so far is keen to bring more women into the industry, Rebecka tells VK.

VK: Is gender equality a business advantage for you?

— It’s absolutely a unique selling point that I emphasize, says Rebecka, adding that the diversity mindset also includes age and ethnicity.

Striving for More Women

In Umeå, 6 out of 17 Consid employees are women—a relatively high number for the industry. But still too few, according to Olivia and Rebecka.

— We need to engage at an early age, Olivia says, reflecting on her own experience as new in the industry.

— I was the only girl and constantly had to prove that I belonged in the field. That’s the culture I want to change.

Read the full article at VK’s webpage.

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Q by Consid is Consid's community for gender equality - a platform through which we work for increased gender equality in the tech industry.
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