
Crowded gathering when local stakeholders discuss AI in Nyköping

Right now, two letters are on everyone’s lips, and it’s impossible to open a newspaper, watch a news broadcast, or read a post on LinkedIn without encountering it – of course, we’re talking about AI. On Friday, another Morning Talk by Consid was arranged, this time on the topic of AI. Consid’s national AI expert, Patrik Zetterström, began with an overview of the current landscape, followed by a panel discussion with representatives from various industries. The panel included Erik Molitor, a machine learning development engineer at SSAB, Peter Lövgren, a teacher and director at KomTek, and Johan Varenius, the operations manager at Agro Sörmland. Sörmlands Nyheter was present and reported:

What about jobs? And schools? What are the advantages and risks of AI? There was great interest when an AI seminar was held in Nyköping on Friday.

– AI is here to stay; it can’t be stopped.

That’s what Peter Lövgren, a teacher at Peterslundskolan in Oxelösund and director of the technology and entrepreneurship school KomTek, says.

He was one of the speakers when about 60 people gathered at Consid’s premises in Nyköping last Friday for a breakfast seminar on AI.

The topic is hot, as is the packed room where stakeholders from the local business community in Nyköping, Oxelösund, Trosa, and Vagnhärad gathered to listen to what experts and local representatives from schools, industry, and agriculture had to say on the subject.

Johan Varenius from Agro Sörmland sees it as a given that AI will be used more extensively in agriculture, which is already highly technological today.

– There’s still a romanticized image of the farmer leaning on his pitchfork. But stepping into a modern tractor is like stepping into a spacecraft, he says.

Read the full article here.

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