
How to Succeed in Maintaining Interest in a Digital World

Elaine Eksvärd

Shorter, more intense attention spans are an effect of the “TikTok society.” Studies show that young people and young adults have an attention span of nine seconds, a quarter shorter than what was previously considered the norm. What does this mean for how you reach out and get a message to stick? This was one of the topics discussed when rhetoric expert Elaine Eksvärd appeared as a guest on the Digital Influencer Podcast.

– I think that digital rhetoric is a good market research tool; the important thing is not to let it get under your skin and affect your self-confidence and relationships, says Elaine Eksvärd.

She stumbled upon rhetoric through a catalog from Södertörn University and has since become one of Sweden’s most prominent rhetoric experts, with books, podcasts, and TV programs on the subject. When Elaine Eksvärd appeared on the Digital Influencer Podcast, she discussed digital rhetoric among other things.

How is it that some succeed in delivering long content in a world where attention spans have shrunk by a quarter?

– It’s all about being authentic – being yourself. We can tell if someone is faking it and trying to be overly professional. Joe Rogan is there in the moment, truly listening, and not pretending, she says.

Joe Rogan, who is known as the world’s biggest podcaster, seems to have found a concept that works. He rarely releases episodes under two, three, sometimes more hours. How does he succeed in this fast-paced era?

“His podcasts are three hours long. He talks and invites guests he doesn’t agree with, explores and discusses things. It’s about human conversation, which doesn’t happen quickly. It’s about reasoning and ‘agree to disagree,’ and I like that.”

Listen to the episode here

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