
Karlstad Municipality Launches New Websites In Collaboration With Consid

Karlstad Municipality, KBAB, the Fire Department, and Karlstad Energy have acquired new digital platforms. Significant focus has been placed on reflecting the services offered by the websites. The partnership between the municipality and the IT company Consid has resulted in no less than 15 new websites, including 11 subpages.

– For Karlstad Municipality alone, this has meant 11 new subpages and a completely new look. It has been a major project. At the same time, as the project owner, I have never experienced smoother work. We have had great confidence in Consid as our supplier and have stayed within both the timeline and budget,” says Katarina Äleklint, Director of Communication at Karlstad Municipality.

The project to develop new websites for Karlstad Municipality, KBAB, the Fire Department, and Karlstad Energy has been ongoing for a year and been handled by Consid’s offices in Karlstad and Örebro. The initial request was to elevate the websites for Karlstad Municipality and the other companies onto the Sitevision platform while making the services more user-friendly and accessible to the public.

– One year is a relatively tight timeframe for this type of assignment. By completing it within a year instead of a longer period, we managed to perfectly align with the schedule and avoid additional costs for taxpayers. It involves licenses that expire and need to be renewed for the old platform. Now the residents of Karlstad will have a new website without having to pay for two,” says Ann Svalling, Consulting Manager and Business Developer at Consid in Karlstad.

Ann Svalling.

Key aspects of the new websites were to ensure that visitors can easily and quickly find what they are looking for. Sitevision, the platform on which the websites are built, also provides users with increased opportunities for open dialogue with the municipality, which was an important factor.

– The important thing here is that it benefits the residents of Karlstad and those who visit the city. The websites are developed based on four impact goals: excellent service, prompt response to inquiries, openness, transparency, and dialogue, as well as proud residents of Karlstad,” says Debora Karlsson, Communication Strategist at Karlstad Municipality and the project’s main project manager.

Carl Drejhammar at Consid in Karlstad.
Carl Drejhammar at Consid in Karlstad.

The IT and communication company Consid established itself in Karlstad in 2020. The Karlstad office has grown rapidly and currently employs around 60 people, primarily in programming and development. Karlstad Municipality is one of the larger projects the office has undertaken during its three-year existence in the Värmland residence city.

– Public sector organizations have always been an important customer segment for us. They are both large customers with significant digitization needs and providers of services that benefit many. For us, it was crucial that we could deliver what we promised in terms of accessibility and user-friendliness,” says Carl Drejhammar, Office Manager in Karlstad.

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