
Next Level Academy – one of Sweden’s best trainee programs

Consid's trainee program, Next Level Academy, has for the fourth consecutive year ranked at the top when Sweden's best trainee programs are awarded. It is the Career Companies' student network that annually votes for the trainee program they consider to be the most attractive.

– It is very exciting that Next Level Academy has once again received the title as one of Sweden’s best trainee programs, says Peter Hellgren, CEO of Consid.

The Career Companies’ student network conducted a new poll from December 2023 to January 2024 to identify the 15 most attractive trainee programs across four different categories: Economics, IT, Civil Engineering, and Engineering.

Respondents were asked to select the three trainee programs they found most attractive from all the trainee programs published by designated Career Companies. A total of 2,356 students participated in the poll this year, spread across Economics, IT, Civil Engineering, and Engineering.

Next Level Academy ranked second in the IT category.

– Since the students themselves have voted, this award is especially meaningful. At Consid, we place a great emphasis on helping young people enter the workforce, and Next Level Academy plays a significant role in this effort, says Anna Johansson, who is responsible for the trainee program at Consid.

The Next Level Academy trainee program lasts for 1.5 years on a full-time basis, and the trainees are employed with a full market salary, under the same conditions as other employees. The program is divided into three main blocks, each including both theoretical and practical components tailored by Consid’s experienced experts and trainers. Throughout the program, trainees work on exciting client projects and are responsible for important tasks and components in Consid’s deliveries.

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