Peter Hellgren in JP: “Will Continue to Strive for Innovation”
In 2024, Consid has won several prestigious awards. The most recent accolade went to the IT company’s CEO, Peter Hellgren, who was named CEO of the Year. His achievement is now being highlighted in Jönköpingsposten.

At the end of June, Peter Hellgren was honored with the CEO of the Year award by the Globee Awards. This international recognition for the CEO has now been celebrated in his hometown in Sweden.
“This year, two significant awards went to the Jönköping-based company Consid, which not only won the award for Podcast of the Year for their Digital Influencer Podcast but also saw their CEO, Peter Hellgren, win CEO of the Year,” writes Jönköpingsposten.
“I can only say that I am honored, touched, and extremely grateful to have received this prestigious award,” Peter Hellgren said in an earlier statement.
Consid has achieved several prestigious awards this year, including its tenth DI Gasell—a feat only two other companies have managed previously. The tenth Gasell also paved the way for a unique Master Gasell in the spring, awarded during the 20th anniversary of Dagens Industri’s business awards.
This year, the Jönköping-based company has also been named Sweden’s Best Employer and Career Company, two titles it has received for the past three and nine years, respectively.
“Receiving this kind of recognition, both personally and for the company, is proof that we are on the right track. We will continue to strive for excellence and innovation in everything we do, with the goal of creating even greater value for our customers and society,” Peter Hellgren told the newspaper.

Meet our CEO, Peter Hellgren