
Peter Hellgren in Telekomidag on cybersecurity: “Someone needs to take the lead”

In connection with last week's parliamentary seminar, Telekomidag's reporter caught up with Consid's CEO Peter Hellgren to discuss the topic of the day: Russian IT attacks and how companies can protect themselves.

peter hellgren
Peter Hellgren, CEO Consid.

– We must understand that this is the new type of warfare. By 2030, a ransomware attack of magnitude will occur every other second worldwide. Already next year, cybercrime will be the world’s third-largest economy measured by GDP,” says Peter Hellgren to Telekomidag.

Ransomware attacks have become an increasingly common topic of conversation since Tietoevry was affected in early 2024. When moderate Oliver Rosengren invited to a seminar on the subject, Consid’s cybersecurity partner Cyber Unit Technologies and Peter Hellgren spoke on the topic.

– The threat landscape has changed incredibly. Just since Russia started attacking Ukraine, the attacks have increased exponentially, notes Consid’s CEO to Telekomidag’s reporter.

In the interview, Peter Hellgren states that Sweden must recognize the seriousness of the situation.

– Therefore, we in Sweden need to be much better at sharing information. Both between politics and the business community, and between companies. It can’t be as siloed as it is today.

How do we change that?

– I believe someone needs to take the lead. We work a lot with workshops, training, and seminars and try to get the business community to work together on these issues. But then the public sector also needs to do a lot.

Consid’s founders, Peter Hellgren and Henrik Sandell, have called for a public inquiry where facts about the attack on Tietoevry are disclosed, something that was also discussed during the seminar.

– Therefore, an authority must be responsible for assessing the causes of the attack and its consequences every time an attack occurs, and then share that information with other authorities, municipalities, and the business community.

The entire article can be read on Telekomidag.se, and the seminar can be viewed afterwards here.

Multiple people are sitting at lunch at the Riksdag.

Great Turnout for Cyber Security Seminar in the Swedish Parliament

On Thursday, the Moderate Party MP Oliver Rosengren, in collaboration with Consid, hosted a seminar on cybersecurity in the Swedish Parliament.
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