
The Offices Could Be Crowned Sweden’s Most Stylish – Extensive Feature in Kristianstadsbladet

The grand apartment in central Kristianstad is a brilliant representation of what a Consid office should be: modern, social, and a little extra. The office has been nominated for Sweden's most stylish office, something that the local newspaper Kristianstadsbladet highlighted with an extensive feature.

– When we furnish our offices, we always start with the social areas. The meeting at the coffee machine, the communal lunches, and activities after office hours are an important part of the culture we want to build, says Sofia Nilsson, Interior Facility Manager at Consid, to Kristianstadsbladet.

The newspaper describes the initial situation when Consid took over the space:

“The first time Sofia visited the premises in Kristianstad, it was a rather worn-down and dilapidated space, but she was immediately struck by the beautiful window framing facing the square.

– The windows give a lot of character, and we wanted to make the most of that,” says Sofia Nilsson.

The challenge was that the room layout in nearly 450 square meters was essentially fixed. When they sat down with the floor plan, they began to piece together how to utilize every square meter. They had to be creative with the spaces available, such as the storage area in the basement.

– It’s not obvious what to do with an area that doesn’t have direct natural light. You have to think smart, says Sofia Nilsson.”

The competition for Sweden’s most stylish office will be decided on November 16th at the “Big Office Day.” Two of Consid’s offices have been nominated for this year’s competition; in addition to the Kristianstad office, the headquarters in Jönköping are among the potential winners.

– It’s, of course, a huge recognition. Creating an environment where employees thrive, stay longer, and feel better is a responsibility that every employer has. I’m proud to work at Consid, which understands the value of this,” says Sofia Nilsson to Kristianstadsbladet, and shares what she is particularly pleased with in the office.

– The glass window in the floor leading down to the basement was something that wasn’t originally planned, but we chose to add it when, during the demolition work, it turned out there was a hole in the floor that had previously been used for a staircase. It elevated the atmosphere in the lounge and created a lovely effect with natural light entering the basement. It feels like it has always been there. I’m also pleased that we were able to preserve the old brick walls in the basement; it becomes so beautiful when you can highlight noble materials in old buildings.”

Lounge at Consid's head office in Jönköping.

Consid has two of Sweden's most attractive offices

During the "Stora Kontorsdagen" seminar, "Sweden's most attractive office" is annually chosen. Among this year's nominees, there are not just one but two of Consid's offices. These include the beautiful 450-square-meter grand apartment located in the heart of Kristianstad and Consid's headquarters in Jönköping.
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