
Västgöta-Bladet Reports on Consid’s Equality Platform Q and Q Mentoria

Consid’s commitment to gender equality has recently come under the spotlight in Västgöta-Bladet and its sister publications, Falköpings Tidning and Skaraborgs Läns Tidning. The article highlights the impactful initiatives of Q Mentoria, which aims to create opportunities within the realms of IT and tech for more women and non-binary individuals.

“– Gender or background should not be barriers,” asserts Linda Kärnhall, Office Manager at Consid’s Skövde branch. The IT industry currently predominantly comprises men, a status quo that Consid, the IT firm, intends to challenge through the launch of a mentorship program tailored for women and non-binary individuals.

The forthcoming August initiation at Consid’s Skövde office marks a significant stride forward. “The underrepresentation of women and non-binary individuals in the IT and tech sectors has long been acknowledged. Our endeavour is to encourage greater participation by serving as role models. There’s substantial evidence to suggest that these groups possess an inherent interest in such careers, but lack prominent figures to emulate,” shares Linda Kärnhall, Office Manager at Consid in Skövde.

Linda Kärnhall posits that some women and non-binary individuals might perceive the industry as male-dominated, exclusionary, and challenging to penetrate. The mentorship program aims to dismantle these preconceived notions.
– Stereotypes often paint the picture of a predominantly male-centric culture within an IT company. We wish to debunk such misconceptions about our work environment, Linda Kärnhall continues:

– Our challenge, I believe, lies in dispelling the notion of an inherently ‘male’ culture, which, I think, impedes the entry of more women and non-binary individuals into the IT sector, she says.”

Q Mentoria is set to run from August through September this year, with plans already in motion for the next edition between January and May next year.

– The tireless efforts of all involved in Q Mentoria are nothing short of remarkable – and profoundly significant. The IT sector is undeniably a realm of the future, yet, for this trajectory to persist and be a future worth investing in, the sector must champion gender equality. More women and non-binary individuals not only contribute to a more balanced industry but also render the technology it fosters more inclusive for all,” underscores Anna Edstedt, National Coordinator for Q by Consid.

Anna Edstedt
Anna Edstedt

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