Consid's work on UN's global goals

Learn more about our engagement in making the world a better and more sustainable place, in accordance with UN's global goals.

Laptop displaying logo of The Sustainable Development Goals
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 3 - Good health and well-being
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 4 - Quality education
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 5 - Gender equality
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 8 - Decent work and economic growth
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 10 - Reduced inequalities
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 11 -Sustainable cities and communities
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 12 -Responsible consumption and production
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 13 - Climate actions
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 17 - Partnerships for the goals
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 3 - Good health and well-being
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 4 - Quality education
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 5 - Gender equality
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 8 - Decent work and economic growth
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 10 - Reduced inequalities
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 11 -Sustainable cities and communities
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 12 -Responsible consumption and production
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 13 - Climate actions
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 17 - Partnerships for the goals
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 3 - Good health and well-being
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 4 - Quality education
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 5 - Gender equality
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 8 - Decent work and economic growth
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 10 - Reduced inequalities
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 11 -Sustainable cities and communities
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 12 -Responsible consumption and production
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 13 - Climate actions
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 17 - Partnerships for the goals
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 3 - Good health and well-being
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 4 - Quality education
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 5 - Gender equality
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 8 - Decent work and economic growth
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 10 - Reduced inequalities
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 11 -Sustainable cities and communities
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 12 -Responsible consumption and production
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 13 - Climate actions
The Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Goal number 17 - Partnerships for the goals

Goal 3: Good health and well-being

Good health is a basic prerequisite for people’s ability to reach their full potential and to contribute to the development of society.

At Consid, there are mainly three sub-goals that are relevant: 3.4 “Reducing the number of deaths due to non-communicable diseases and promoting mental health”, 3.5 “Preventing and treating drug abuse” and 3.8 “Support research, development and make vaccines and medicines available to all” .

We also contribute to sub-goal 3.D “Improving early warning systems for global health risks” by providing the technical competence for the new unique database SCAPIS, which gives researchers new insights into cardiovascular disease.

We have a number of policies in place that will strengthen our employees physically and mentally. We also have a warning system for detecting drug abuse.

Through our partnership with War Child, we help promote good mental health in children and adults in some of the world’s worst conflict hotspots.

Goal 4: Quality education

Education is a fundamental human right. Despite this, an estimated 774 million people in the world are still unable to read and write, two thirds of whom are women. Research shows that inclusive education of good quality for all is one of the most important foundations for prosperity, health and equality in every society.

Education is the key to prosperity and opens up a world of opportunities that enable each of us to contribute to a sustainable society.

By supporting “Läxhjälpen“, we contribute to the achievement of sub-goal 4.6 “All people should be able to read, write and count”.

By supporting the child rights organization War Child, we contribute to the sub-goals 4.1 “Free and equivalent primary school and upper secondary education of good quality”, 4.3 “Equal access to vocational education and higher education of good quality” and 4.6 “All people should be able to read, write and count” is achieved.

In addition, we contribute, via War Child, to the achievement of sub-goal 4.A “Creating inclusive and safe educational environments”. Read more about War Child here

But we also want to help reduce the skills crisis in the IT industry here in Sweden. We also want to increase competence in IT in general in our society and among our politicians.


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Goal 5: Gender equality

Equality between women and men is a prerequisite for sustainable and peaceful development. Gender equality is about a fair distribution of power, influence and resources. All forms of violence, discrimination and harmful practices against women and girls affect both the individual and society as a whole. It has been proven time and time again that political, economic and social equality between women and men contributes to all dimensions of sustainable development.

The most important sub-goal where we can contribute are: 5.1 “Eliminate discrimination against women and girls”, 5.4 “Value unpaid care work and promote shared responsibility in the household”, 5.5 “Ensure full participation for women in leadership and decision-making” and sub-goal 5. B Strengthen the role of women through technology and sub-goal 5.C “Create laws and action plans for gender equality”.

Our work with gender equality issues aims to achieve our vision of always striving for diversity both in the recruitment process and for existing employees. Consid shall be an equal company where all employees and subcontracted staff are treated equally. Everyone, regardless of gender, marital status, ethnicity, sexual orientation, transgender identity, religion, political opinion, age or disability must have equal opportunities and our approach must be characterized by respect for each other’s differences and opinions. A gender-equal work environment is a prerequisite for everyone to be able to perform their best.

But we want to do more. We want to work for an equal IT industry. We do this through our gender equality platform.



Q by Consid is Consid's community for gender equality - a platform through which we work for increased gender equality in the tech industry.

Read more about this -Equality

Goal 8: Decent work & economic growth

Today, more than half of the world’s workers are in precarious employment, often with poor pay and limited access to both education and social security. In the next 20 years, the global workforce is also expected to increase by 800 million people, which requires great efforts to create new jobs that are also sustainable for people and the environment.

Decent working conditions promote sustainable economic growth and are a positive force for the entire planet. We must protect the rights of workers. By creating good conditions for innovation and entrepreneurship and ensuring decent working conditions for all, sustainable economic growth that includes the whole of society benefits.

Goal 9: Industry, innovations and infrastructure

A functioning and stable infrastructure is the basis for all successful societies. To meet future challenges that we humans and our planet face, our industries and infrastructures must be made more inclusive and sustainable.

Innovation and technological progress are the key to finding sustainable solutions to both economic and environmental challenges. It also helps to create new markets and jobs that can contribute to efficient and equal use of resources. Investing in sustainable industries, research, environmentally friendly technology and innovation are all important ways to create the conditions for sustainable development.

At Consid, we contribute to sub-goal 9.1 “Creating sustainable, resilient and inclusive infrastructures”, 9.4 “Upgrading all industry and infrastructure for increased sustainability”, 9.B “Supporting diversification and technological development in domestic industry” and 9.C “Access to information and communication technology for all”.

Goal 10: Reduced inequality

The basis for a sustainable society is a fair distribution of resources and economic, social and political influence in society. The goal of global goals is Leave No One Behind and goal 10 highlights the importance of working for a society where no one is left out of development.

An equal society is based on the principle of equal rights and opportunities for all, regardless of e.g. gender, ethnicity, religion, functional variation, age and other position. Although many countries have had a positive economic development with reduced poverty in recent decades, the gaps have widened both within and between countries. Equality reduces the risk of conflicts and promotes the opportunity for all people to participate in and influence the development of society.

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

More than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas, and the proportion is expected to rise to 70 percent by 2050. Growing cities can create new opportunities for economic growth, but can also contribute to increased social gaps and strains on ecosystems. The rapid and large influx into cities places new demands that need to be met in an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable way.

Sustainable urban development includes sustainable construction and sustainable planning of housing, infrastructure, public places, transport, recycling and safer chemical handling, which in turn requires new technology and cooperation between several sectors. Inclusive and innovative urban planning is needed to make cities safe and sustainable for the future.

Together with Riksbyggen, Consid organised the world’s most important hackathon – Considition – with a focus on sustainable cities. We work together with Riksbyggen in several long-term projects that aim to work for sustainable cities.

We have also helped the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency to develop the app “Fire risk outside”. It will help to predict fires that will increase with climate change.

Goal 12: Responsible consumption & production

Our planet has provided us with an abundance of natural resources, but we humans have not used it responsibly and are now consuming far beyond what our planet can handle. Achieving sustainable development requires that we reduce our ecological footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources.

Sustainable consumption means not only environmental benefits but also social and economic benefits such as increased competitiveness, growth in both the local and global markets, increased employment, improved health and reduced poverty. The transition to sustainable consumption and production of goods is a necessity to reduce our negative impact on the climate, the environment and human health.

We buy almost all of our technology from the company Dustin, which works responsibly and consciously with sustainability.

During the exercise period 2020, we submitted proposals for an exercise that would make it mandatory to take sustainability considerations into account in all public procurement. The motion was named “Requirements for environmental and social sustainability in all public procurement”.

Goal 13: Climate action

Climate change is a real and undeniable threat to our entire civilisation. Greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise and as a result we risk reaching an average global warming in excess of two degrees, which would have serious consequences for ecosystems, ocean acidification, human safety, food production, water supply, health and increased risk of natural disasters.

The effects are already visible and will be catastrophic unless we act now. Through education, innovation and compliance with our climate commitments, we can make the necessary changes to protect the planet. These changes also provide great opportunities to modernise our infrastructure, which will create new jobs and promote prosperity around the world.

Consid is a service company and thus has relatively low carbon dioxide emissions. Together with the Stockholm-based environmental consulting company Zeromission, we have mapped all emissions and are working to reduce these and find future-oriented climate-smart solutions. We already measure today, and report, all our climate impact with the help of international standards.

All of Consid’s offices have Bixia as their electricity supplier. Bixia supports local and small-scale electricity producers and ensures that there are more of them around the country so that renewable electricity can be produced where it is consumed. Bixia buys electricity, mainly from local producers of solar, wind and hydropower. The locally produced electricity is then sold on to private and corporate customers in Sweden.

We are also a member of the UN’s Global Compact initiative, which aims to create international principles on human rights, labor law issues, the environment and anti-corruption aimed at companies. The principles are based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Fundamental Conventions on Human Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration and the UN Convention against Corruption.

Consid also participates in the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi), which helps companies set climate goals in line with scientific models developed in IPCC AR5 and by the IEA. The initiative is a collaboration between CDP, UN Global Compact, WRI and WWF.

Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

The world today is more interconnected than ever before and global goals can only be realised through global partnership and cooperation. The implementation of the objectives requires global solidarity, capacity building and the mobilisation of economic resources to ensure that no country or group is left out of the development.

International investment and coordinated policies are needed to ensure innovative technological development, fair trade, reliable follow-up and support in humanitarian crises. The exchange of knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources are all important components for achieving the goals, in particular for meeting the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable countries. Goal 17 is a toolbox for how global goals can become a reality.


Through partnership we can go further

We collaborate with civil society in order to and help organisations help. That’s how we can reach a little longer, get a little better. It is when academia, civil society, business and politics come together that we can really make a difference.

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