Andreas Jarskog

Andreas Jarskog joined Consid with a background in the Swedish Armed Forces and a strong interest in security. Since 2021, he has held the role of Chief of Security at the company.

Andreas Jarskog

I would say that there are three key areas that companies need to consider when it comes to security: always start with a risk assessment, secure all accounts, and enhance employees' security awareness.

Andreas Jarskog, Head of Security at Consid

Three Thoughts on Stronger Cybersecurity

The concept of security has become increasingly relevant for everyone to consider—whether it’s about privately stocking up on canned goods and batteries, or as a company investing both time and money in a rigorous cybersecurity effort.

– The foundation of an effective security strategy is to conduct an overall assessment of the risks the organization faces. This means identifying what is valuable to protect and which actors might be interested in accessing or sabotaging these assets. This forms the basis for all future security measures: understanding what is worth protecting and who you are protecting against, says Andreas Jarskog.

What has been seen in many of the recent IT and hacker attacks is that poor control over which accounts exist and what access they have provides a way in for an attacker. This could involve accounts that remain active despite someone leaving, changing positions, or an asset that shouldn’t be there. Securing accounts, therefore, becomes a key element of a successful security strategy.

– One of the most fundamental, yet important, security measures is to secure user accounts. It is crucial to have control over who has access to which resources in your IT environment, something that is managed through Identity and Access Management (IAM). If an account falls into the wrong hands, it can lead to serious consequences. An effective way to make things more difficult for an attacker is to implement multi-factor authentication (MFA). MFA is a feature that is supported by most systems and services today, and it provides a significant increase in security.

The Human Factor Behind Many Cyber Intrusions

An incredibly important point, Andreas says, is that no technical protection in the world can fully compensate for the human factor. A Trojan horse isn’t a term in cybersecurity without reason.

– Technical protections are important, but it’s employees’ vigilance and knowledge that often make the biggest difference in preventing security incidents. Invest time and resources in enhancing everyone’s understanding of how attackers operate and how to identify intrusion attempts. It’s particularly important to be aware of threats like phishing, social engineering, and the spread of ransomware. By educating and preparing employees, you can significantly reduce the risk of attacks.

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Would you like to learn more about how to protect yourself and your organization? Contact us!

Andreas Jarskog

Head of Security

073-398 85 00