Meet Daniel Lupzig

Head of HR, Talent & Recruitment at Consid Germany

Daniel Lupzig, Head of HR, Talent & Recruitment at Consid in Germany
With an ambitious goal of having approximately 75 talented individuals across three offices by the end of 2024 in Germany – Daniel Lupzig, Head of HR, Talent & Recruitment at Consid in Germany, is set on sustainable growth. He now shares insights from the team that has doubled its capacity. And with several substantial deals secured alongside well-known multinational corporations, he is now looking for colleagues who want to continuously learn and share their knowledge.

Gathers experts at the new Consid office in Hamburg

Consid has a new meeting place in Hamburg gathering experts and creating endless career opportunities. The office is located at the historic district of Speicherstadt – midway between the city center and the renowned port it serves as a bridge between Hamburg’s economic history, its present, and its future.

– I have the ambition to bring innovative high-tech solutions to the table. Therefore, we are very motivated to gather more experts in driving digitalisation forward at our new office allowing us to establish a unique company culture that resonates with us says, Daniel Lupzig, Head of HR, Talent & Recruitment at Consid in Germany.

Being responsible for building the HR, Talent & Recruitment team in Germany – Daniel has managed to grow the team from one to three members in only a couple of months with the support of his internal network. Collateral with growing the total amount of employees in Hamburg, being over 30 people today.

– We’ve set an ambitious goal of having approximately 75 talented individuals across three offices by the end of 2024, with Hamburg as our flagship office. However, our top priority is sustainable growth, so we continually seek out people with the potential to serve as role models and the right mindset to be part of this unique journey we are currently on.” says Daniel Lupzig, Head of HR, Talent & Recruitment at Consid in Germany.

“The company is about the people”

Daniel has an academic background within Psychology, mostly concentrating on the economic parts of organizational and industrial Psychology. Doing previous work as a Talent & Growth Manager, working together with developers.

– A main takeaway of mine is that the company is all about the people. That´s the case at Consid – we see the employees as our most valuable asset. I am very enthusiastic and privileged about that specific role as I have the chance to hire these people, shares Daniel Lupzig.

We’ve witnessed in Sweden how Consids offices serve as a selling point for new hires, and in some cases, they’re pivotal in choosing Consid. Ever since Consid was founded, the ultimate ambition has been to create a workplace that suits you regardless of what phase in life you are in.

– At Consid we love to exceed the expectations of clients and colleagues, but we also value ​​a healthy life balance. There are significantly differences between German and Swedish working cultures. I fell in love with the Swedish way years ago, but it is also important to include our individual German touch.

Growing the team and evolving roles

In Hamburg we are a diverse team of expert IT consultants in digital transformation, management, digital marketing, and all types of development – who are more than happy to exchange experiences and share knowledge. The ongoing recruitment for Consid in Hamburg is right now focusing on new Java Developer Consultants and Python Developer Consultants – but is always adapting to the market.

– With several substantial deals secured alongside well-known multinational corporations, we are looking for colleagues who want to continuously learn and share their knowledge. Therefore, it is most important for us to get to know potential employees previous experiences as well as their future aspirations as we find a position at Consid where they will thrive and evolve.

Daniel continues:

– Looking at my role as Head of HR, Talent & Recruitment in Germany for example, it has evolved since starting in May 2023, and continues to do so in line with the entrepreneurial mindset of Consid. Being the first one within that area at Consid in Germany, and building something from scratch, was one of the main reasons I signed with Consid.

Daniel Lupzig, Head of HR, Talent & Recruitment at Consid in Germany



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Speicherstadt, Hamburg, Germany

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