Dimitri Katakalidis

With nearly 25 years in the industry, a well-known and experienced figure is now stepping into the role of the new consulting manager at Consid in Karlshamn. Dimitri Katakalidis has seen and experienced almost everything in IT and digitalization, most recently coming from a 15-year-long project focused on cloud-based storage.

Ett porträttfoto på en flintskallig man med glasögon.

Dimitri Katakalidis, just like Consid, took his first steps in the IT industry at the turn of the millennium. As technology and the industry have evolved, he has built up a wealth of experience, which will now be tested in the Consid environment.

– I started as a systems developer, where I somewhat got stuck. Since then, I’ve held various roles across different industries, but always with that as the starting point, Dimitri explains, continuing:

– In late winter 2024, it was finalized with Consid, and I began in March as a frontend developer for an agency focused on the education sector. The industry is new to me, which has been very interesting to delve into.

What is most interesting with the mission?

– Partly getting an insight into what it’s like to work at a government agency, and partly learning more about how the education system in Sweden is structured from the inside.

Back as a Consultant

Even though he has over two decades in the industry, the consulting role is a familiar but renewed acquaintance.

– It’s been almost 17 years since I worked as an IT consultant, so I’m looking forward to trying it again. I believe the experience I’ve accumulated since then will be very useful. I have also just assumed the role of consulting manager at Consid Karlshamn, and I’m really looking forward to getting to know my consultants and helping them thrive and develop here at Consid.”

The end of the vacation marked the beginning of the new role, and it’s been full speed ahead since then, Dimitri shares.
– I like to stay active; it’s my way of unwinding. During the pandemic, my partner got me into padel. I can’t say anything other than that I’m completely hooked. It was easy to get into it, partly because it’s a fun and relatively simple sport, and partly because it’s a fun social environment.

en man som står på en padelbana och spelar padel

Sees the Potential in Karlshamn

As previously mentioned, Dimitri comes from a Karlshamn-based assignment around cloud storage. What he now wants to do at Consid is to cement Karlshamn on the Swedish IT map.

– We have a very bright outlook for the future! After the holidays, we kicked off with several recruitment interviews, and we hope to grow our team with even more wonderful colleagues during the fall and winter,” Dimitri says, enthusiastically highlighting some of the advantages of his hometown.

– Karlshamn is an incredibly beautiful coastal town with stunning nature and close proximity to everything from schools, grocery stores, the office, and not least the Öresund Bridge and the airport. We hope to attract more people to move here, perhaps there are some who are tired of the stress of big cities and want that peace that smaller towns offer – everyone is welcome here!

Do you want to explore the opportunities in Karlshamn? Get in touch!

It was a product entirely developed by skilled industry professionals here in Karlshamn. An incredibly fun and exciting journey that has given me a lot of knowledge and experiences that I will carry with me in my future career. The cloud solution also demonstrates the potential that exists in smaller towns.

Dimitri Katakalidis, Consultant Manager, Consid