Fahad Rejabo

Protect yourself against phishing

Fahad Rejabo, a cybersecurity consultant at Consid, specialises in phishing. This means he helps companies and organisations protect their systems, operations, and data from various types of threats and risks.
– Security is a constantly evolving field. The threat landscape is becoming increasingly complex, which demands a proactive approach.

How to Protect Against Phishing

One of the inherent challenges in digital security is the rapid pace at which threats evolve. The effectiveness of protective measures has diminished as attackers have become more sophisticated and skilled. This is why it’s crucial to start from the basics and clearly identify potential threats, says Fahad Rejabo.
– My top recommendation is to begin with the fundamentals and involve the entire organisation. Security is not just an issue for the IT department; it’s something everyone in the company should be aware of and contribute to. Start by conducting a risk analysis to identify your most critical assets and the greatest threats to them. From there, you can implement basic security measures, such as training staff in security awareness, establishing policies, and ensuring regular system updates. Build from there. It’s also vital to view security as an ongoing process, not as a one-off project.

Identifying Phishing Risks

A key part of this process is identifying the areas where security is weakest, and which therefore pose the greatest risk of a breach. – *One of the most challenging projects I’ve worked on involved creating a comprehensive security framework for a large organisation. The project required mapping all their systems, identifying security gaps, and then implementing a range of security measures without disrupting daily operations. The biggest takeaway from this project was the importance of good communication and collaboration between different departments.

Discuss phishing and how best to build your security system. Get in touch with Fahad!

Fahad Rejabo

Cyber security consultant


+4670-514 92 39

Protect Yourself from Phishing

What is phishing, how can you protect yourself and what do you need to consider? Consid clears up all the question marks.

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