Henrik Rendahl

We welcome Henrik Rendahl to Consid – a top recruit from Sogeti. With fifteen years of experience as an architect, business developer, innovator, and leader, Henrik Rendahl is now stepping into Consid's office in Karlstad. Who is Henrik Rendahl? What has his career looked like? What will he bring to Consid? Join us as we meet Henrik in the city where the sun always shines.

Solution Architect: “I hunt down trouble”

On October 1, 2024, Henrik Rendahl started his first day at Consid’s office in Karlstad. As a business developer and architect, he is a problem-solver to his core.

– I take on an assignment, identify possible improvements, and design a solution. Since my approach is quite broad, I move freely between business development, change management, and architecture. In some cases, the challenge is technical, but more often, it’s a matter of cultural change, education, alignment, or simply that the chosen tool doesn’t quite fit the organization’s business processes.

When explaining his role in a more relaxed setting, it sounds like this:

– I was at a private dinner and was asked what I do for work. My answer was something along the lines of: “Imagine you walk into an American saloon sometime in the mid-1800s. In one corner sits a weather-beaten man in a cowboy hat and long coat. He looks up, adjusts his hat, and begins to speak in a broad Southern drawl. ‘Well, ma’am, reckon I’m what ya’d call a troubleshooter by trade. I hunt down trouble, an’ when I find it, I deal with it — quick an’ sure as a six-shooter.’, Henrik says with a big smile and a twinkle in his eye, a clear example of his cheerful personality.

From Infrastructure to Cloud Technology

Henrik started his career in infrastructure, which after several years led him to specialize in web and databases.

– From there, I moved on to integrations until something fantastic happened: cloud technology. I was completely hooked, first in integration and later in data/AI. The cloud journey also led me to solution architecture, which suited my personal traits very well.

In recent years, Henrik has shifted his focus. Today, he works less on technology and more on what is needed to make the technology work in an organization.

– This can include roles such as enterprise architect, business architect, change manager, business analyst, tech lead, project lead, and so on. I have also worked extensively with innovation, both practically and in helping organizations become more innovation-driven.

Do you have anything you are particularly proud of in your career?

– I’ve had the privilege of traveling the world, participating in massive projects with thousands of participants, innovating with well-known players in the industry, and speaking on stages in front of large audiences. However, I would say that none of this matters unless it also leads to personal growth. If I’m part of something exciting but don’t change from the experience, it’s just fleeting entertainment.

Something Henrik strongly recommends for personal growth is getting involved in mentorship programs, both as a mentor and as a mentee.

– I am incredibly proud of the moments when I’ve managed to motivate someone to let go for a moment. Or as Kierkegaard said: “To dare is to lose your footing for a moment. Not to dare is to lose yourself.”

Company Culture and Values

Henrik Rendahl comes directly from Sogeti, where in recent years he has worked in various leadership roles. He says the company culture was what attracted him the most to Consid.

– I would say it largely came down to culture and values. I feel that Consid’s view on these aligns very closely with my own, which was crucial for me. Far too many companies treat their employees as resources whose sole purpose is to show up in the annual report. That mindset is very outdated and something that should have disappeared in the 20th century.

According to Henrik’s observations, many IT projects today do not deliver the expected value, something he hopes to change.

– That’s where my knowledge and experience can improve the conditions. In most cases, it’s not about poor delivery but rather not fully understanding the customer’s business and unique environment. Without that understanding, it’s almost impossible to do a good job. I also believe it’s incredibly important to have a well-functioning team where everyone feels they are important and can contribute. Creating an environment of psychological safety, free from ego struggles and dominance tactics, is essential to achieving this.

What are you most looking forward to in your new role?

– As always, I’m looking forward to meeting new people, both colleagues and customers. Everyone has an interesting story to tell, and I’m excited to hear them all.

Market Challenges

Henrik notes that many of the methods organizations and companies use today are outdated, designed for another era when systems and processes were more static.

– This creates huge problems in today’s fast-paced change environment, as they aren’t able to adapt quickly enough. We also see many organizations with one foot in the old world and one in the new. In many ways, that’s worse because it creates internal friction, which in the worst case can cause an organization to collapse under its own weight.

He also observes that organizations often try to solve problems by applying binary methods designed for technology to complex systems like organizations.

– A new and exciting way to address this is residuality theory created by Barry O’Reilly. It turns our thinking upside down, and instead of focusing on requirements and risk management, the method attempts to simulate more or less realistic scenarios, after which the system’s reactions to these are evaluated.

If you want to discuss opportunities or ideas, get in touch with Henrik!

Henrik Rendahl

Business developer & Solution architect
