Meet Peter Ernst

IT consultant at Consid in Borlänge

Peter Ernst, It-konsult på Consid i Borlänge
Meet Peter Ernst, one of the Consid employees who has returned to the consulting profession with vigor. Based in Borlänge, Peter plays a central role in Consid's growth journey – now with the aim of establishing a project delivery team.

Returned to the IT Consulting Profession

Peter Ernst embarked on his career in 2000 at a consulting firm in Stockholm – just before the dot-com bubble burst (and the same year Consid was founded). It was an undeniably eventful period of time.

– The consulting firm I worked for then went from having 30 to 500 employees within a year, only to return to 30 people two years later. Afterward, I chose to work a few years as an employee at a product company. But I couldn’t stay away from the consulting industry! Peter Ernst shares.

Peter missed the flexible and varied days that come with being a consultant.

– No day is the same – as a consultant, I get to work with different companies, technical solutions, and people.

Finding Balance Between C# and Nature

After a few years as a consultant in Stockholm, Peter moved to Dalarna to achieve a better balance between work and leisure. Settling in Falun, Peter connected with us at Consid, one of Europe’s fastest-growing companies, after we launched in Borlänge in early 2023.

– In my eyes, Consid is a forward-thinking and continuously growing company. I quickly felt that I wanted to be part of that journey. Working from Dalarna offers a fantastic balance between work and leisure. Most of my free time is spent in nature—skiing, cycling, fishing, or running—recharging my batteries for work.

As an IT consultant at Consid, Peter primarily works with the C# programming language, Microsoft platform, and Optimizely CMS (formerly Episerver).

– Currently, I am assisting one of our clients with an upgrade project. We are migrating the platform from .Net Framework to .Net Core, says Peter Ernst.

Establishing a Project Delivery Team in Borlänge

Consid in Borlänge has recently moved into unique premises, Erssonska Villan, gaining significant attention in Borlänge’s newspaper. Peter, one of the nearly 15 colleagues now working from the office, is looking forward to driving development work and contributing to our clients.

– It’s a delightful experience working as a close-knit and well-functioning team with our clients. The goal is always to do the best job possible and create a long-lasting customer relationship. Our new office is a unique environment, especially for Borlänge, providing the perfect conditions for us to assist our clients and grow as a team.

With room for more at the new office, Peter and his colleagues are establishing a project delivery team in Borlänge right now.

– Our aim is to have a team with various skills and strengths to deliver the best possible outcomes for our current and future clients. We are also considering expanding and opening a branch in Falun to further strengthen our local presence, shares Peter, discussing the team he will be a part of.

Peter Ernst, It-konsult på Consid i Borlänge


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