Halmstad University

Högskolan i Halmstad ny hemsida av Consid
A new external web and student web where the user, innovation and search are in focus - that's what Halmstad University wanted to create with us. Read more about how we proceeded below!


Halmstad University wanted to create a separate student web in addition to an external web – to make it easier for students to find the information they requested.

They also wanted the new web to be more user-friendly and accessible, have a better search function and highlight the University’s core business. And so they faced the challenge of building a new external web and student web – from pre-study to launch, in one year.


The CMS chosen in this project was SiteVision and the assignment was initiated with studies and strategy work. Together with Halmstad University, we set requirements and goals for the new web.

– This project has been a lot of fun and we have been involved from start to finish – from study and strategy to launch and maintenance. Our business areas Communication, Interactive and Test and Quality Management have worked closely together throughout the process, with a constant dialogue with Halmstad University. Together, we have developed a web that is completely tailored to meet the target group in the best possible way, both in terms of design and functionality, Aggi Ahlnäs, project manager Consid, says.


The solution is a SiteVision-based external web, focusing on search and innovation. In addition, a student web was developed.

Overall, the solution is designed to be in line with the University’s vision – to create values, drive innovation and develop people and the society for the future.

Two main parts have been in focus during the entire process: search engine optimization and integration with Course Info – a system handling education-related information. The latter is an API built in .NET that retrieves changes, interprets them and builds objects that are sent to a RestApp in SiteVision. This means that the web pages are created, removed and updated automatically based on the information in Course Info. Integrating the flow from Course Info makes employees able to spend more time on other more creative tasks. 


About ten months later, Halmstad University’s new web was ready and the launch went as planned. A new external web with more user-friendly design and better search functionality and a new student web focusing on the students’ needs were the result.

The collaboration has been extended and the project is moving from development phase to management phase where we will assist with further development of new functionality and design.

– The collaboration with Consid has worked very well and it has been a great experience for us as a customer. The result is a website that is both innovative and user-friendly. The response we have received so far has been overwhelmingly positive and we are looking forward to continue the work together with Consid, Jenny Bisiach, Digital Strategist at Halmstad University’s communications department, says.

About Halmstad University

Halmstad University has been around since 1983 and focuses on creating values, driving innovation and developing people and the society for the future. The university is organized into four academies: Academy of Economics, Academy of Learning, Academy of Health and Welfare and Academy of Information Technology and have 10.600 students, 50 programs and over 130 courses.

Högskolan i Halmstad ny hemsida av Consid

The result is a website both innovative and user-friendly.

Jenny Bisiach, Halmstad University

Högskolan i Halmstad ny hemsida av ConsidHögskolan i Halmstad ny hemsida av ConsidHögskolan i Halmstad ny hemsida av ConsidHögskolan i Halmstad ny hemsida av Consid
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