
Make History

Morakniv reflektion av ett barn - ett uppdrag, case av Consid communication
When Morakniv was about to relaunch its model with an updated design, Consid Communication created a concept and a launch film - watch it here!

The challenge

Few brands in Sweden have such a strong history as Morakniv does. The Morakniv Classic model, with its red handle, evokes memories in most Swedes. When Morakniv was about to relaunch the model with an updated design, Consid wanted to create a concept and a launch film that conveyed the knife’s strong emotional brand even on a global market.

The solution

Morakniv has created Swedish history since 1891, and when you use a Morakniv you create your own history and memories for life. We took this into account in the concept “Make History”, which was the basis of the movie where we let Morakniv Classic tell us that it’s something more than just a tool. It’s a part of you.

The assignment won the 2020 Publishing Prize in the category Commercial.

Fotografering i studio

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