Networking event

The leading Sitevision partner in the Nordic region gathers clients for knowledge exchange and updates

Recently, Consid organized a networking event in Stockholm where clients in the private sector using the Sitevision platform had the opportunity to meet, get inspired, and exchange experiences and ideas. The networking event quickly reached full capacity, with over 30 enthusiastic participants from various organizations in attendance.
Alexander J Gustafsson affärsutvecklingsansvarig på Consid

Alexander Gustafsson

Business Development, Sitevision

+46 733 60 74 76

Networking event on Sitevision's CMS for intranets and digital workplaces

At Consid, we see a great advantage in allowing our clients to meet and be inspired by each other, a sentiment that is also appreciated by Consid’s clients. Many of our clients particularly value the exchange of experiences and insights related to intranets and digital workplaces, as it is generally challenging to keep track of external developments and learn from others.

During Consid’s networking event for Sitevision clients, Monica Sandgren, responsible for internal communication at SBAB, presented success factors with their intranet. SBAB has truly succeeded in creating an intranet that reflects the company culture, as revealed in a survey among employees. On SBAB’s intranet, all employees are editors, allowing everyone the opportunity to write and publish news. Learn more about how SBAB’s employee culture soars with their intranet, developed by us at Consid.

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Updates within Sitevision

On-site in Stockholm during the networking event were several representatives from Sitevision. Daniel Klingzell, Customer Success Manager, and Karl Eklöf, Head of Innovation and Co-founder, presented various updates in the product, which are set to be launched shortly.

What did Consid's Sitevision customers in the private sector think about the networking event?

After the event, we conducted a quick survey to gather feedback from the participating customers regarding their thoughts on the event and what they would like to hear more about in future gatherings. We are delighted with the positive response from our customers who attended the event. Here are some quotes from the survey:

“Fantastic to hear about SBAB. And wonderful to have the roadmap presented so one can ask their own questions. And talk to others. Incredibly good!”

“Cool. Inspiring. Fun.”

“Good setup with mingling, case studies, and news.”

“Absolutely brilliant! …and fun to hear about everything that’s happening.”

“Good mix of participants/companies. Interesting presentations & discussions.”

“Very pleasant and informative! Nice to meet so many Sitevision friends in one place.”

“Great presentations and exciting news, with good networking.”

“Excellent! Networking, news, and the opportunity to get to know you and other customers.”

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Do you also want to participate in Consid's networking events within Sitevision?

As Sitevision’s largest partner with over 40 offices, Consid regularly organizes networking events across the country for various target groups. The goal is to expand to more target groups, locations, and occasions for our hundreds of customers using the Sitevision platform.

Get in touch with the largest Sitevision team in the Nordic region 

Alexander J Gustafsson affärsutvecklingsansvarig på Consid

Alexander Gustafsson

Business Development, Sitevision

+46 733 60 74 76

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