Microsoft Stops Supporting Xamarin – Navigating Frameworks

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In May 2024, Microsoft will stop supporting Xamarin. This means that they will not offer any new updates or technical support for the platform. This means it's time to explore new frameworks to migrate your applications to. So how do you choose a new framework? What frameworks are there? What is important to consider?

Pierre Dahlström

Mobile Architect & Tech Lead


“Cross-platform” phenomenon in app development

Before we go into why Microsoft stops supporting Xamarin, and how we at Consid can help you with migration and/or app development, we dive into the “Cross-platform” phenomenon. In short, it means developing apps that can run on multiple operating systems, such as Android and iOS, using a single code base. Xamarin is an example of a framework for developing cross-platform apps. Cross-platform frameworks themselves facilitate this by providing common interfaces and features for different platforms. In addition, some of the frameworks can also be used to create desktop and web apps using the same technologies and code base as mobile apps. Some common benefits of cross-platform are:

  • Reusable code: One of the biggest benefits is the ability to write a single code base and use it on multiple platforms. This saves time and effort, as developers don’t have to write and maintain separate code for iOS, Android and other platforms.
  • Cost savings: Because you can use one codebase for multiple platforms, development costs are significantly reduced. This is especially important for smaller companies and independent developers with limited resources.
  • Greater market potential: Because you can reach more users with different devices and preferences.
  • Unified development: A significant advantage of having a single project and team is that it facilitates simultaneous launch on multiple platforms. But remember that there are different types of cross-platform technologies, such as Progressive Web Apps (PWA), Hybrid applications and Native applications. Each of these technologies has its own technical characteristics and uses, as well as advantages and disadvantages.

It is important to understand these differences in order to choose the most appropriate technology and framework for a given project.

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Why will Microsoft stop supporting Xamarin in May 2024?

Microsoft has developed a new cross-platform framework based on .NET called .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI). .NET MAUI is the next evolution of Xamarin, redesigning the underlying architecture and completely rewriting the UI controls from scratch, providing better performance and greater flexibility.

Why you should migrate to another platform, such as .NET MAUI.

It is possible to continue using Xamarin even after May 2024, but as of this date, Microsoft will not provide any new updates or technical support for the platform. The consequences of Xamarin not being supported by Microsoft may make apps using the platform more vulnerable to security risks, bugs and compatibility issues with new versions of Android and iOS.

For developers and businesses using Xamarin, this means it’s time to start exploring other frameworks to migrate their applications. One possibility is to switch to .NET MAUI, which allows reuse of much of the existing code from Xamarin, or to choose another framework that better meets specific technical and organizational requirements.

If the choice is to migrate to .NET MAUI, Microsoft offers extensive documentation and tools to facilitate the transition from a Xamarin application to .NET MAUI.

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What is important to consider when choosing technologies and frameworks?

Regardless of how you choose to define the different mobile application development technologies, it is essential to understand the limitations and benefits of each technology and framework. It is important to carefully consider the implications your choice of framework may have on the design and performance of your application, given that the appearance and functionality may vary significantly depending on your choice.

Last but not least, organizational factors can also play a crucial role in choosing a technical framework. Running development activities with a specific framework requires a good understanding of its technical requirements and organizational adaptations. It is important to have a clear picture of organizational goals, current and future technical goals, license management, estimated lifespan of your app and the availability of resources with the “right” skills. All these aspects deserve careful consideration when faced with the decision of which framework best suits your mobile development strategy.

How we can help you find the right solution and development platform

We at Consid help you find the right solution, whether you are using Xamarin or want to develop a new application. Our team of experienced and skilled developers handle all types of app development projects, whether cross-platform or native apps. This includes:

    • Consulting and analysis of the app’s requirements, goals and target audience.
    • Selection of the appropriate framework, platform and technology for the app.
    • Design and development of the app’s interface, functionality and features.
    • Testing, debugging and optimization of the app’s performance, security and usability.
    • Launching, distributing and marketing the app to the desired platforms and channels.
    • Post-launch support, maintenance and updates of the app.

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