
UX-writing - a lecture

Learn what UX Writing is about, write better UX copy and create a greater user experience on your website/app, through the principles of UX design.

About the course

The UX field is all about understanding, creating, and enhancing the end-user’s experience. UX Writing involves everything from writing longer articles and blogs to microcopy for menus, links, and buttons – every part is significant. A well-written user experience means that anyone can understand and interact with your digital service or product, regardless of their background or level of expertise.

This course provides you with insights and valuable UX Writing tools to deliver great user experiences, both on websites and apps.


  • To write simple, clear and useful copy
  • Create content that speaks directly to your audience
  • Guiding users to their destination through text
  • What is UX Writing?
  • Copy writing for navigation
  • Copy writing for buttons and links
  • Help texts and label texts in forms
  • Copy writing for error messages
  • Copy writing for messages and confirmations
  • UX Writing guidelines
  • Testing your UX-written copy to make sure it works
  • Expressing brand voice and adapting tone to context



Course type

The course is customizable for closed groups and can be held on-site or online.

Target audience

This course is aimed for individuals who want to sharpen their UX copy on a website or app, or for those who are in the stage of developing a new digital service or product.

  • Large and smaller teams or organizations
  • Editors
  • Communicators
  • Copywriters
  • Or anyone who wants to learn how to get their message across more effectively.


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Further questions? Contact me directly! 

Woman with a ponytail, wearing a blue blouse and black cardigan, looking calmly at the camera.

Charlotte Magnusson

Head of Education


+46 72-368 73 36

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