
Consid and Cyber Unit Technologies offer world-leading cybersecurity systems

Cyber Unit Technologies, a key contributor to the development of Ukraine's cyber defense, has entered into a partnership with Consid and is now extending its services in Sweden.

cybersäkerhet bild. Partnerskap

Cyber Unit & Consid in a strategic partnership  

Cyber Unit Technologies, one of the architects behind Ukraine's cyber defense, is now offering its services in Sweden through a partnership with Consid. The partnership aims to fortify businesses and organizations against cyber threats while fostering growth in a dynamic digital environment. At the onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the CEO of Cyber Unit Technologies, Yegor Aushev, rallied an online army to defend his homeland. Through a call to action on various online platforms, a global army of thousands of cybersoldiers was formed in just a few days. The collaboration between Consid and Cyber Unit Technologies is not merely a merger of two entities; it is a partnership that combines security expertise with deep and extensive experience in digital transformation. The result is a comprehensive solution that not only safeguards against cyber attacks but also promotes business-driven digital transformation, making companies competitive and secure.

Our strategy is centered on swiftly improving a company's overall cybersecurity to prevent incidents and manage intrusions. We draw on our experience in defending against the world's most advanced and persistent adversaries.

Yegor Aushev, CEO Cyber Unit Technologies

Cyber Unit Technologies’ strategy for effective cybersecurity

Cyber Unit Technologies has formulated a strategy for secure digital transformation that spans national, corporate, and individual levels. The strategy is built on rapidly enhancing a company’s overall cybersecurity to prevent incidents and manage intrusions. Today, companies and organizations often lack the capability and expertise required to effectively counter modern cyber threats. Given the rapidly evolving threat landscape and extensive attack surfaces, it is crucial to promptly enhance employees’ competence in cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity success despite ongoing russian attacks

Despite continuous Russian cyber attacks on Ukraine, the country has succeeded in protecting its IT infrastructure. Equivalent services to companies like Klarna, SJ, or BankID have not experienced downtime. According to Yegor Aushev, this achievement is possible because the country has ensured the education of its population in cybersecurity, a strategically defensive priority. Through this strategy, the country has attained unparalleled expertise in cybersecurity, demonstrating how secure digital transformation occurs even in the midst of an ongoing war.

No single state can independently shield its entire population from an adversary like Russia. The country can disrupt the internet and halt power supply. Therefore, it is absolutely essential for companies, families, and individuals to understand how to prevent attacks and stop intrusions, says Yegor Aushev.

Yegor Aushev, en av arkitekterna bakom Ukrainas cybersäkerhet och VD för Cyber Unit Technologies på scen i Almedalen.

Consid & Cyber Unit Technologies in successful collaboration

The partnership between Consid and Cyber Unit Technologies is not merely a merger of two entities; it is a collaboration that brings together security expertise with deep and extensive experience in digital transformation. The result is a comprehensive solution that not only protects against cyber attacks but also promotes business-driven digital transformation, making companies competitive and secure. However, the real value goes beyond that. Cybersecurity becomes a catalyst for growth, ensuring that strategies for innovation and expansion are cultivated alongside increased protection. Together, Cyber Unit Technologies and Consid pave the way, combining security expertise with growth and innovation. The partnership creates an environment where challenges transform into stepping stones toward business success. Consid’s CEO, Peter Hellgren, confirms that existing and new customers can immediately benefit from the strategy.

In collaboration with Cyber Unit Technologies, we have developed a strategy that we can already offer to businesses and the public sector. Our approach strengthens protection against cyber attacks without creating additional barriers, says Peter Hellgren

Collaborative solutions

Cybersecurity is not just about technology—it’s about people. Our strategy focuses on enhancing a company’s or organization’s cybersecurity to prevent issues and effectively manage cyber incidents. Cyber Unit Technologies’ platform, UnitRange, is carefully designed to rapidly elevate the cybersecurity knowledge of personnel, providing employees with enhanced skills and expertise to both proactively prevent incidents and adeptly manage intrusions. Each individual within the organization becomes an active and influential contributor to maintaining security. What sets Cyber Unit Technologies’ platform apart from other similar cybersecurity services is that it does not focus on building firewalls and barriers that can complicate other work and hinder growth. Instead, it emphasizes education and offers innovative and proven tools that can be easily integrated into the company’s other systems and workflows.

Yegor Aushev, en av arkitekterna bakom Ukrainas cybersäkerhet och VD för Cyber Unit Technologies på scen i Almedalen.

Contact our expert


Christian Wedel, strategist at Consid.

Christian Wedel

Director Strategy & Business Development

+4670-328 55 89

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